School Health Information and Resource Links

Find answers to your school health questions by clicking on the links below. This information is provided by Alpena Public Schools and is meant to be a resource. It is not intended to replace the need for your health care provider's attention. If you need assistance contact APS District Nurse Lisa Thayer (989) 358-5946 or

Center for Disease Control (CDC) Healthy Schools

Healthy students are better learners, and academic achievement bears a lifetime of benefits for health. Schools are an ideal setting to teach and provide students with opportunities to improve their dietary and physical activity behaviors and manage their chronic health conditions (asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, food allergies, and poor oral health). When school health policies and practices are put in place, healthy students can grow to be healthy and successful adults.

Learn more at the CDC Healthy School's Website

Michigan Department of Education and Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Guide to Managing Communicable Disease in Schools

Managing Communicable Diseases in Schools PDF

Michigan Department of Health

Featured Resources

MDHHS Website 

Michigan Department of Education School Health and Safety

When students and staff are safe and healthy, academic achievement is increased. Healthier and safer students make more productive choices.  This aligns with goal 3 of the State's Strategic Education Plan of improving the health, safety, and wellness of all learners.

MDE Health Safety Website

District Health Department No. 4

(989) 356-4507 

District Health Department No.4 Website

Health Issue Fact Sheets

For family convenience, we have published some fact sheets on common health concerns. Click the links below for more information. These fact sheets are not a replacement for personalized healthcare advice. For more information, contact your physician or Health Dept. No. 4 at (989) 356-4507.

Google DocAsthma
Google DocDiabetes
Google DocHead-Lice
Google DocMeningitis
Google DocMRSA
Google DocPink Eye
Google DocReye's Syndrome
Google DocScabies
Google DocScarlet Fever
Google DocWhooping Cough