Alpena Early College

Bridging the gap between high school and college, Alpena Early College gives students a unique opportunity that goes beyond dual enrollment. Through a partnership between Alpena Public Schools and Alpena Community College, students can complete their high school diploma AND receive a college degree at the same time. The program is successful for three reasons. We help students to save money. We assist them in moving closer to their desired area of study and/or career field of interest. We work with students to develop the knowledge and habits necessary for success in post-secondary education and the workforce.

Only current 10th grade students are eligible to apply. Once enrolled, students take classes at both Alpena High School and Alpena Community College. As members of their Early College cohort, they may go through high school commencement with their classmates in 12th grade, but then stay on for an additional year to complete a full schedule of "13th year" classes, including one final high school class and their college credits to earn their degree or early college certificate.

This unique and exciting opportunity offers:

  • Three year-accelerated program for grades 11-13
  • High school classes plus college courses
  • College campus experience
  • High school diploma
  • Up to 60 transferable credits and/or an Associates Degree or recognized certificate
  • All fees and costs paid by Alpena Public Schools


  • Students apply in their 10th grade year and begin in fall of 11th grade.
  • Must meet ACC enrollment guidelines
  • Preparing for pathways compatible with Alpena Community College offerings. Students that are uncertain can do General Education while they move forward in their studies.
  • Preference will be given to students who will be the first in their family to attend college or who meet the free and reduced lunch qualifications but neither is a requirement.

While enrolled as part of the Alpena Early College program, students have a combined high school and college experience that is truly the "best of both worlds." It is completely personalized for their own career goals and academic abilities. They participate in prom, sports, senior year activities and high school commencement just like the rest of their class, but they also receive an ACC student ID and are eligible to take part in ACC student activities.

For more information please contact the Alpena Early College coordinator:

Laurie Nugent
Phone: (989) 358-5248

Required Informational Meeting (attend at least one)

  • November 12th–Early Application Meeting (10th) 7 PM Granum Theater at Alpena Community College
  • February  13th–Regular Application Meeting 7 PM in the Granum Theater at Alpena Community College 

November 12th through November 26th

Early Application Period–includes opportunities for pre-admission guidance, early interviews, and scoring bonus

November 26th–Early Action Application Deadline

February 13th- February 27th –Regular Application Period


March/April–Regular Application Review/Interviews 

May/June–Acceptance Letters Mailed 

Early August–Required Student Orientation at ACC

August 2025–Classes Begin!

Q: This program sounds too good to be true. Is it for real?
A: Yes, it sounds too good to be true, but it is true! As a matter of fact, over 40 similar programs are already being offered throughout Michigan. Alpena Public Schools is proud to partner with Alpena Community College to bring this innovative opportunity to northeast Michigan.

Q: How many college credits can be earned through the Early College program?
A: The number of credits a student can earn depends on several factors. Students are expected to earn at least 15, but it is possible to earn up to 60 transferable college credits!

Q: Can students in Early College play high school sports?
A: Yes! Students may participate in high school sports through their 12th grade year subject to the same eligibility requirements as all other students.

Q: Do Alpena Early College students graduate with their AHS senior class?
A: Yes! Students participate in their senior year activities and 12th grade commencement along with their class. However, their diploma is given when they complete one final high school class in 13th grade.

Q: Who pays for tuition, fees and books for the ACC courses?
A: Alpena Public Schools covers all tuition, fees and textbook costs for students enrolled in Alpena Early College. Students can graduate from high school and ACC debt free!

Q: Do students follow the AHS schedule or the ACC schedule?
A: Both! Classes at Alpena High School will follow the same schedule and calendar as the rest of the district, while ACC classes will follow the ACC schedule and calendar. It is important to note that there will be differences in the start and end dates, as well as some vacation dates.

Q: What about transportation between AHS and ACC?
A: Families are responsible to provide transportation.

Q: Will students have to take night classes?
A: It is likely that students will need to take one or more of their college classes outside the traditional high school day schedule, so families should be prepared for this.

Q: Are the ACC classes specially tailored for high school students?
A: Early College students will be in regular ACC classes open to all ACC students. Discussions, assignments and research requirements will be at the discretion of the college instructor and may include adult or controversial subjects.

Q: What support is available for high school students as they navigate the world of college?
A: Students in the Early College cohort will have access to high school counselors and the Early College Coordinator. Also, there is a 3-day required orientation at ACC in August to help prepare students to be successful.

Q: Does the Alpena Early College program follow the Michigan Merit Curriculum?
A: Yes! Students complete all the requirements established by Alpena Public Schools to meet the requirements of the Michigan Merit Curriculum.

Q: How can I learn more?
A: Call Coordinator Laurie Nugent 989-358-5248 or email to explore whether this unique opportunity is right for you. You can also visit the Michigan Department of Education Early/Middle College information page.

13th Year Alpena Early College

Parent/Student Graduation Meeting

October 10th 7 PM Granum Theater at Alpena Community College

November 12th Enrollment Meeting (10th Graders)

7 PM Granum Theater at Alpena Community College

13th Year Alpena Early College Commencement 

May 9th 6 PM Granum Theater at Alpena Community College

Alpena Early College, Alpena Public Schools, Alpena Community College

  • 9 May
    • Alpena Early College Commencement at Granum Theater
      Date: May 9
      Time: 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
      Location: Alpena Community College, Madeline Briggs University Center, 665 Johnson St, Alpena, MI 49707, USA
      Calendar: Early College