Ella White PTO

Welcome back Ella White Eagles and hello to all our new families starting their school journey here at Ella White!  We are excited to be back in the school this year, planning fun events for our students and family.  



You can contact us anytime through our Facebook page, Ella White Elementary PTO, email us at, or call the school and they will get you the contact information for the officers. 

We will meet on the second Monday of every month at 6:00pm in the Ella White Library. 

At the meetings, we discuss and plan upcoming events and talk about any issues going on in our school and around the area. We always love any input or any new ideas that people can bring to our meetings. If you can not attend the meetings, we will have a spot in the Eagle Examiner with updated PTO news.


*Christmas Bazaar at AHS: December 3 9am-3pm

*Popcorn Fridays: 10/21, 11/4, 12/2, 01/6, 02/3, 03/3

*Ice Pop Fridays:  9/9, 9/23, 10/7, 4/7, 4/21, 5/5, 5/19, 6/2

Book Fair: October 3-October 7 & April 10-April 14

*Girl and a Guest Dance: March 10, 6pm-8pm

*Boy and a Buddy Event: TBA


*We are always looking for volunteers for any of these events listed above.  If you have the time and can give us any help please let us know by coming to the meetings or email us at


*For popcorn this year we are asking for donations for popcorn supplies.  We will NOT be charging 50cents to the students.  This is something fun we want to do for all the students at Ella White.  So if you would like to donate any amount to help with the popcorn supplies please send money in an envelope to your child’s teacher with the attached donation sheet. Thank you!