Career and Technical Education

CTE Group Photo

Career and Technical Education at
Alpena High School

Our Career & Technical Education programs offer a wide variety of experiences with specific training that will give students an advantage when entering the workforce or post-secondary education. Through several funding streams, Alpena High School Career & Technical Education programs and classrooms have the finest technology and equipment of that found in industry. With our teachers teaching to the highest performance standards, students will earn certificates and credentials like others in CTE programs around the State of Michigan.

It is often thought that CTE is for students that are not going to college or for students who rather take an easier path to a career….THIS IS NOT TRUE TODAY! High skill, high demand, high wage jobs in health care, education, manufacturing, engineering, transportation, agriculture, marketing, business technology, and construction technologies all can start at Alpena High School...but many students will need to continue with postsecondary education


Are You Interested In:

  • Hands on experiences related to your interests.
  • Specific training opportunities
  • An advantage in entering the workforce
  • A chance to explore many different career options

Career & Technical Education will teach you:

  • Job ready skills in your area of interest
  • Skills in high demand jobs
  • Preparation for a professional career

Prepare for your future:

  • Specific job focused courses
  • Experience in your specific field
  • Earn industry certifications
  • Gain credentials to prepare for your future career


  • All students in Alpena, Presque Isle, Alcona, and Montmorency Counties are welcome to attend.
  • Males and females are invited to enroll in any of our programs.
  • Students with special needs are welcome and will be accommodated. 
  • Home schooled and online students are invited to participate


Alpena High School Career and Technical Education Programs

CTE staff

Tour our labs 360 image - Call to schedule a tour

On each of our program pages you can take a look inside our new state of the art learning labs.
Use our 360 image to see what is available for you at Alpena High School.

Call to schedule a tour of any of our CTE classes (989) 358-5300


Indicators of CTE Student Performance

Please refer to the link below to access the data for Alpena High School CTE Students.

CEPD 9 CTE Student Performance

Follow up surveys are completed each year between October and January. Survey information is collected by a variety of methods. Students that are surveyed are considered completers in their Career & Technical programs.

Academic data is collected from Career & Technical Education students who were concentrators, graduated last school year, and were tested when they were in 11th grade. Concentrators, in general, are students that completed more than half of their CTE program. Each program has a definition of a program concentrator.

For more detailed information on specific programs:

Office of Career & Technical Education

For more detailed information on Michigan CTE enrollments and performance: